How to install the TestimonialTree Widget on your C21 web site
If you are using
TestimonialTree to manage your online reputation, you may want to integrate the Widget on your C21 sebsite.
- First login into TestimonialTree, choose the widget you want and copy the code for that widget as displayed in the following video:
Video Guide: Getting your widget code from TestimonialTree
- Login into your C21 ID3 website management interface and make sure you select the English editing language on the top bar.
- Click on the Pages / Toutes les pages (all pages) section on the left toolbar.
- You can insert the Widget anywhere on your site or you can simply use the already defined Testimonials page.
So simply click on Edit with Elementor.

- In the left toolbox, search for the term "HTML" and drag the HTML element on the page where you want to displpay the Widget.

- Cut and paste the Javascript HTML code provided by TestimonialTree into the HTML code box displayed on the left column.
You should instantly see the widget appear on the page. You can drag the section and/or delete other manual testimonials on the page if you want.
Once you are done, click the green update button at the bottom left side of the page.

- TestimonialTree does not provide a french version of the Widget but you could organize your testimonials by language and create 2 different Widgets; one for English and another one for French.
- You can then access the translation management page by clicking on the pencil icon in the page list to provide the french Widget HTML code available in your TestimonialTree interface.

- Once done, make sure you click the "Translation completed" check box and save and close your work.